People; An Asset or a Liability?

If you are like most of our clients, you consider your people to be your competitive advantage and in the next breath you view the talent pool as one of the greatest issues you face today. A lot of employers are wrestling with the asset vs liability view on people. Is acquiring, training, retaining, and developing people a problem you contend with or an opportunity you embrace?  Are you taking the “it sucks so we will just try and survive it” mentality or the “what a great time to seize opportunity and win” mentality?

Here’s how our clients “win” in the world of Talent Strategy.


Maybe you have read one of the thousands of books about culture and thought “that’s just not for me”. Well that could be true; however, if you apply that today, you are already giving your competition a wide-open chance to score. What does your company stand for, where is it headed, what values are important, and who is a great fit for your team? Answering these questions and gaining clarity as a company not only can improve morale, but net income as well.

Learn more about Culture

Strategy and Execution

“There is a lack of accountability today.” – Everyone

We have heard countless times. While societies and cultures shift and change with each generation, there are so many factors that shift and change with it. Today we are faced with more information than ever before and the decisions of what is most important become virtually endless. We have frantic families and we work for frantic businesses all racing to beat the one thing we cannot control, time. Sorting through the endless distractions, ideas, issues, and pressures is not an easy task, but is a necessity to create accountability.  That is where strategy and execution take “maybe” to “yes” and “someday” to “done”. We have found the lack of accountability is rarely a people issue, rather, it is most times a breakdown in communication, structure, and planning.  Companies with good strategy and direction not only create accountability and get things done, they attract high quality talent.

Learn more about Strategy


One problem that we do see in many businesses is a leadership gap.  We see good people racing to get lots done, but take little to no time to lead.  Great leaders will not blame those around them for not getting it, but rather they lead, coach, and develop them.  Leaders take time to understand the causes of dis-engagement and spend more time solving issues, developing talent, and removing obstacles. I cringe when I hear a leader say, “I do so much, they would be lost without me,” which is often followed up with “I should make more money.” It is at this point I start talking about the leadership gap. Without good, solid leadership, rowing just gets exhausting for everyone, and people go looking for a different ship.

Learn more about Leadership

So this is where we layout exactly what great Talent Strategy looks like. Are you ready? It is a great proce

ss for attracting and acquiring the right people, followed up by an amazing on-boarding experience, coupled with on-going and regular performance feedback, some goal setting and career planning, topped with some good old-fashioned care for people. That may not be an easy button, but those that do it well are not only winning, they are enjoying the process.

Want to learn more about how to dominate your competition by switching your workforce from a liability to an asset? Visit our website or give us a call. We have the team and the tools to flip the script on your workforce and leadership. Stop surviving and start thriving!

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