Readiness Core Skills

At Catch All we have discovered that there are 5 core skills that are really effective at removing human bottlenecks to performance.  Performance tends to drop when anger, resentment, disengagement, conflict, resistance, and miscommunication is present.  We refer to these items as bottlenecks to performance.  The following 5 skills have proven effective in removing bottlenecks and building strong teams.

  1. Self and Team Awareness- We have found that individuals who have a strong understanding and awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses as well as the strengths and weaknesses of others are more productive and less frustrated.  They also communicate more effectively and are more loyal.  Whether referred to as building emotional intelligence, team building or awareness, this is something you can’t afford not to build on your team.
  2. Problem Solving- One thing that shows up time and time again when we work with teams is the avoidance, resistance, and or lack of solving issues.  Many companies are living off of band-aids and feeling like they are chasing rabbits in meetings.  This methodology is key for teeing teams up for continuous improvement/lean thinking as well developing critical thinking.
  3. Accountability- As teams try to master accountability and struggle to execute they often miss some simple concepts to becoming more effective.  We explore motivation, implement accountability tools and work with individuals to find their personal drive.  If companies do not hone in on accountability their ROI on talent decreases drastically.
  4. Conflict Management- To remove bottlenecks to performance it is important to remove politicking and drama and welcome debate and productive conflict.  How do you do that?  Build awareness, implement problem solving, and accountability processes.  Then you teach debate and help people when they fall off track.
  5. Continuous Improvement- In order to remove resistance bottlenecks we have found that you need to build open mindsets and encourage continuous improvement.  Without continuous improvement training and methodology teams meet more resistance, disengagement and mediocrity.

When we develop these skills and reinforce correct behaviors it is truly amazing the potential that is unleashed.  A lot of potential is in your teams waiting to be found, developed and engaged.
